Nearest Metro Station to Sarai Rohilla, Delhi

At whatever point we go out for any reason we continuously look out for the easiest and the cheapest mode of transport to travel to our place or destination, particularly when we do not have our claim vehicle. This circumstance has continuously been troublesome for nearly everybody while traveling but now this problem has been gone for several years just because of the arrival of the Metro. 

Metro is presently numbered as the foremost utilized transport for Delhi people to travel from one place to another in just less time with the less fare too. If we talk about the city of Delhi, so there are numerous great places to visit and Sarai Rohilla is one of them. People usually visit this place to explore and this place is also famous for its railway station. To visit this place you can easily take the Nearest Metro Station to Sarai Rohilla, Delhi which is the Shastri Nagar metro station. This metro station is not so far from the area and the railway station as well.  

About Sarai Rohilla 

Sarai Rohilla, arranged in North Delhi, may be a dynamic neighborhood with a wealthy verifiable foundation and critical modern pertinence. The title “Sarai Rohilla” begins with a Rohilla chieftain who developed a Sarai (hotel) amid the Mughal period, advertising a see into its storied past. Nowadays, it is most famous for the Delhi Sarai Rohilla Railroad Station, a key railroad center that interfaces Delhi to different parts of northern and western India, making it a basic point for commuters and travelers. 

Nearest Metro Station to Sarai Rohilla, Delhi

The Nearest Metro Station to Sarai Rohilla railway station and Sarai Rohilla Area is Shastri Nagar Metro Station which is on the Red Line of the Delhi Metro. Found roughly not so many kilometers from Delhi Sarai Rohilla and its railway station. To reach Sarai Rohilla from Shastri Nagar Metro Station, one can take a brief auto-rickshaw or cycle rickshaw ride. 

Here are 3 Nearest Metro Station to Sarai Rohilla, Delhi 

Distance : 

Distance always matters a lot whenever we are traveling to any place by any transport and just like the distance between Sarai Rohilla to Shastri Nagar metro station is around 1.5  kilometers. It is the nearest metro station to Sarai Rohilla and is counted as one of the most-used metro stations in Delhi 

Travel Time : 

Saving travel time while traveling is one of the most important things for people who always find themselves busy and Delhi is a city of busy people, so that’s why people of Sarai Rohilla save time by traveling to the nearest metro station Shastri Nagar metro station only within 3 to 4 minutes by auto or rickshaw and if you are unable to find any auto or rickshaw, then you can walk down the streets which only take 15 to 20 minutes to reach out to your destination. 

Route Map : 

Shastri Nagar metro station moreover has the most effortless route map to travel from one place to another in just a few minutes. It offers a coordinated and available way for travelers and guests to commute from the Sarai Rohilla to the Shastri Nagar metro station. This metro station is tallied with the foremost straightforward route map and exceptionally simple to get it the distinctive metro courses and the places. Need to know more about the Shastri Nagar metro station then click on the link below and explore all the routes from the metro station. 

Frequently Asked Question ( FAQ’s) 

Q –  Which one is the nearest metro station to Sarai Rohilla? 

A –  The nearest metro station to Sarai Rohilla is Shastri Nagar metro station. 

Q –   What is the distance from Sarai Rohilla to Shastri Nagar metro station?  

A –  The shortest distance from Sarai Rohilla to Shastri Nagar metro station is 1.5 kilometers. 

Q –  For what Sarai Rohilla is famous for? 

A –  Sarai Rohilla is famous for its food and as well the railway station. 

Q –  How much travel time from Sarai Rohilla to Shastri Nagar metro station?

A –  The travel time from Sarai Rohilla to Shastri Nagar metro station takes only 3 to 4 minutes by auto or rickshaw and if you are walking down streets then it will take you 10 to 15 minutes.  

Read More: Nearest Metro Station to Sector 1, Noida | Nearest Metro Station to Lodhi Art District, Delhi

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