Nearest Metro Station to Sangam Vihar, Delhi

Nearest Metro Station to Sangam Vihar, Delhi

Making everything easy in life just can’t be possible because there are numerous struggles, troubles, and many more things that always make human life so complicated. The only relief that has happened in human life nowadays is that at least they are getting the cheapest and easiest means of transport to travel and it is known as the metro. Metro is the lifeline for all the office or college-going people, especially for the people of Delhi. In Delhi everywhere the metro runs like a bullet train and reaches almost every area or near the area like the most crowded place Sangam Vihar nearest metro station is Janpath metro station also one of the most crowded metro stations in Sangam Vihar. 

About Sangam Vihar 

Sangam Vihar is a crowded residential area found in South Delhi, India. Arranged close to the Deoli Town and Tigri Expansion, Sangam Vihar is one of the biggest unauthorized colonies in Asia, characterized by its different populace and dynamic community life. The territory is known for its unmistakable format, including limited paths and thickly pressed private buildings. 

Despite its unauthorized status, Sangam Vihar has seen fast urbanization over a long time, with enhancements in framework and access to essential civilities such as water supply, power, and sanitation. Sangam Vihar is domestic to individuals from different socio-economic foundations, including low-income families, transients, and middle-class inhabitants. 

The community is known for its strength and solid social bonds, with dynamic support in neighborhood social occasions, celebrations, and community get-togethers. Whereas Sangam Vihar faces challenges such as lacking framework, infringement, and need for formal arrival residency, endeavors have been made by government specialists and non-governmental organizations to address these issues and move forward living conditions within the range. 

Nearest Metro Station To Sangam Vihar 

The closest metro station to Sangam Vihar in Delhi is the Janpath Metro Station, which is found on the Violet Line of the Delhi Metro. Arranged in South Delhi, Sangam Vihar could be a private region known for its assorted populace and dynamic community life. From Janpath Metro Station, Sangam Vihar can be reached by neighborhood transportation choices like auto-rickshaws or cycle rickshaws. The distance between Janpath Metro Station and Sangam Vihar is moderately brief, making it a helpful choice for commuters traveling to and from the range. The metro station serves as an imperative transportation center, interfacing Sangam Vihar to other parts of Delhi-NCR. Its vital area and availability make it a favored choice for inhabitants and guests commuting to Sangam Vihar for work, instruction, or relaxation exercises. 

Here are the 3 nearest metro station to Sangam Vihar 

Distance : 

Janpath metro station isn’t so distant from the Sangam Vihar range, it covers a distance of 2.5 kilometers with the utilization of transport like auto or e-rickshaw. Individuals always travel from Janpath metro station to spare their costs and to save time from the vehicle jams which they can discover on the day by day of their schedule.

Travel Time : 

The travel time from Sangam Vihar to Janpath metro station is 5 to 6 minutes from any vehicle but on the off chance that you’re strolling by foot at that point, it can be time taken or twofold to your normal time which is around 15 to 16 minutes. Auto and e – rickshaws can be effortlessly found on the roadside of most streets where they can take you to a metro station in just a few minutes to catch your train.  

Route Map : 

The route map of Nearest Metro Station to Sangam Vihar -Janpath metro station is as basic as it can be since it is one of the most complicated free metro stations which is close to Sangam Vihar. People of Sangam Vihar ordinarily discover themselves free to stretch less fair since of the basic course of Janpathmetro station’s simple outline course, which reflects the least demanding way for you to travel to any goal in each less period. Need to know more about the route map, then click on the link below. 

Frequently Asked Question ( FAQ’s) 

Q – Which is the nearest metro station to Sangam Vihar? 

A –  The nearest metro station to Sangam Vihar is Janpath metro station.

Q –  How much distance is Sangam Vihar to Janpath metro station?

A –  The distance from Sangam Vihar is Janpath metro approx 2.5 KM. 

Q –  Where is Sangam Vihar located ? 

A –  Sangam Vihar is located in South Delhi, India. It is a residential locality situated near the Deoli Village and Tigri Extension. 

Q –  How old is Janpath metro station? 

A –  Janpath metro station started on the 26th of June 2014 and it is almost 10 years old. 

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